Document 1977 DOCN M94A1977 TI Supporting house for children HIV-positive. DT 9412 AU Ferreira VB; Durovni B; Cunha LB SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):408 (abstract no. PD0241). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370598 AB OBJECTIVE: To create the first supporting house for children HIV-positive in the city of Rio de Janeiro. METHODS: Negotiations with the municipality of Rio de Janeiro to obtain a house for the project. The supporting house is administrated by a non-governamental organization--Sociedade Viva Cazuza. The project is being financed by Bird and the Brazilian Ministery of Health and supported by the Municipal and State Secretaries of Health. All the staff of the supporting house is trainned for working with homeless children and against the prejudice of the comunity. The house was prepared to receive 30 children, with ages between 2 month and 10 years old, which were orphans or abandonned by their families. The children will live in the house and will receive social and psychological support and pedagogical attention. RESULTS: All the negotiations were finished and the house is totally prepared. The staff is being trainned and children are being selected. We intend to reduce the morbi-mortality of children HIV-positive and to improve quality of life by dealing with these children with love and respect. CONCLUSION: Alternatives of health care must be offer to children HIV-positive to reduce the unnecessary long-term permanence in hospitals due to social problems. DE Brazil/EPIDEMIOLOGY Child Child, Preschool Family *Housing Human HIV Seropositivity/EPIDEMIOLOGY/MORTALITY/*REHABILITATION Infant Morbidity Mortality MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).